What Is Carbon?

Carbon is mentioned often in our daily lives. You hear the words – decarbonization, CO2 or carbon dioxide, carbon footprint, carbon emissions, carbon cycle, calcium carbonate, fossil carbon and much much more. The single most important word we hear repeatedly is ‘carbon.’ According to Britannica, carbon is a nonmetallic chemical element of the periodic table.  It is not particularly plentiful—it …

Gleaned produce in the back of a car

How Community Leaders and Scientists are Redefining Waste

I am an avid follower of the latest trends, movements, and events that affect our daily lives. It’s why I engage with NPR, 1A, and PBS on a daily basis. My goal is to stay up to date on what impacts the planet. In June of 2022, three stories stood out:  What is food waste to some is food for …


Mining Plays a Significant Role In Our Renewable Energy Transition

I strongly support renewable energy initiatives. From electric vehicles to solar panels, I’ve worked hard to build a greener life for myself and my family.  But adopting renewable energy becomes more complex and resource-intensive as you scale up. How can you adapt, or in some cases, rebuild an energy grid that already struggles to keep up with demand? What does …

Garden head

Does Your Personality Impact How You Go Green?

The other day I came across this article, I Can Change the World? How Different Personality Types Respond to Environmental Concerns from the website 16 Personalities. The article covers a survey conducted using the Myers-Briggs personality test. Each personality type is determined and then categorized into certain roles, like Sentinel or Explorer. It’s these roles that help community members understand …

Meatless Protein

Fight Climate Change With Diet Change

I felt challenged as an environmentalist when I watched the 2014 Netflix documentary “Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret”. One of the experts from the film, Howard Lyman says, “You can’t be an environmentalist and eat animal products—period.”   Mr. Lyman came into the public eye on a 1996 taping of The Oprah Winfrey Show titled “Dangerous Food.” At that time, he was …

Used ink cartridges

Recycling Ink Cartridges and Water Filters: What’s Good, What’s Bad, and How To Do It Properly

The good news is that more and more things can be recycled. The bad news here is that, with some products, if the process is not streamlined or consistent, it becomes harder or impossible to recycle appropriately. Thankfully, there is a path to recycling ink cartridges and water filters. How To Recycle Ink CartridgesOffice Depot  Recycle your ink cartridges from …

$100 bill and water bottle

Expensive Water Bill? Here’s How You Can Conserve and Save Money

Before moving to Tennessee, my monthly bill had never reached $500, and I was accustomed to utility bills around $150-$200 in North Carolina. When we anticipated our move to Tennessee, I called MLGW and asked what the average utility bill would be like in our new home.  I was informed that the average monthly charge was about $300. Sure, the …

Beach litter and plastics.

Education from Unexpected Places: How YouTubers Taught My Boys About the Power of Doing Your Part

Mr. Beast popped up on my radar one weekend in 2021. My two teenage boys asked my husband if we could stay home all weekend to participate in a classic “last one standing” contest. Contestants would place their finger on a smartphone app and whoever is the last to keep their finger on the app wins $25,000. Who is Mr. …

Extreme Heat Warning

Extreme Heat: A Natural Disaster Deadlier Than Hurricane Katrina

Where were you when Hurricane Katrina hit? It’s one of those natural disasters that you can never forget. It’s August 2005. Hurricane Katrina bears down upon the American gulf coast. A large and destructive Category five hurricane, Katrina killed over 1,800 people and caused $125 billion dollars in damage between August 23rd and 31st. New Orleans and the surrounding coastline …

Grapes hanging off the vine

The Connection Between Climate Change and Wine Production

Before my husband and I had kids, we traveled to Champagne, France. I learned that wine made in Champagne, France was the only sparkling wine permitted to be called champagne. We had a bus tour of the winery that ended in a farmhouse. I had duck liver pâté for lunch, and it was surprisingly delicious and made this trip so …