Toilet Paper- dark

We Need To Talk About the Toilet Paper Industry

I have heard Maya Angelou say this phrase, “When you know better, then you can do better.”  I use this phrase to encourage others and myself when I discover information that I wish I had known earlier. This is how I felt when I learned that it takes 37 gallons of water to make one roll of toilet paper. I …


Why We Need to Make The Switch to Bidets

I have two girlfriends who are knowledgeable about home remodeling. I asked them for a bidet recommendation. This led to a discussion on toilet paper. We talked about the strengths and differences between bidets and toilet paper. Eventually, they asked, “which is more earth-friendly?”  The answer may surprise you: a bidet.What is a bidet?Bidets physically resemble a toilet but are …

wet wipes- Dark

Wet Wipes are a Big Problem. Let’s Talk About Them.

Wet wipes are convenient and can be used for an endless list. I used them the most when my kids were babies and needed diaper changes.   But what are the economic, environmental, and ethical problems with wet wipes? How do they negatively impact our environment and what can be used instead? This blog will focus on three key problems of …

Design plans for a property.

What Does Architecture Have To Do With the Environment?

Everything. I was so impressed with this story about the firm MASS Design that I had to share their story which aired recently on the long-running program 60 Minutes.  MASS stands for Model of Architecture Serving Society. It is a nonprofit firm, based in Boston. They think of architecture as a mechanism to create change. This group is “rethinking their …

Sunscreen and SPF

The Do’s and Don’ts of Sunscreen: How to Stay Protected and Reduce Your Environmental Impact at the Same Time

After our blog on the impact of extreme heat and how it affects our companions on planet Earth, I thought it would be a good idea to write about sunscreen. After all, it can be a useful tool for people looking to avoid dangerous exposure to UV. What I didn’t expect is just how much of a rabbit hole researching …

Compost Pile

Clearing Up Compostable and Biodegradable Confusion: Look for BPI Certification

Before we get started, let’s avoid some confusion by explaining the following key terms. Once you understand the difference between them, you’ll have a much easier time learning about the topic in this blog. BPI certification: While BPI stands for Biodegradable Products Institute, BPI certification ensures the materials in the certified product are compostable.  Biodegradable: A product or material that …

Colorful Animal mural

Our Companions on Planet Earth

September 2021 seemed filled with news on the impact of global warming on the planet’s creatures.Our changing climate changes the size of our fishCNN’s program Champions for Change spotlights leaders making a positive impact in an underserved community. Journalist Kate Bolduan chose Seafood Watch, a guide for consumers “to change purchasing habits to more ocean-friendly choices” and to urge “businesses, …

Zero Waste

International Zero Waste Week: How Tennessee Community Leaders Worked Together to Inform and Inspire Students

International Zero Waste Week originated in the United Kingdom in 2008 to aid organizations in reducing waste being sent to landfills. It is acknowledged annually during the first full week of September. In recognition of International Zero Waste Week, the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, or TDEC, recognizes Zero Waste Day every October 27th. They held the inaugural Zero …

City of Shanghai covered in a thick haze of pollution

Pollution, Waste, and COVID-19: The Good, the Bad, and our Future

Beginning of our new normal: COVID-19 The World Health Organization, or WHO, declared COVID-19 as a global pandemic on March 11, 2020. Everyone remembers where they were that day. I know I do. Sports stopped. Social events were canceled. People scrambled for toilet paper and food without knowing when this pandemic would end.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, …

Factory smokestack pollution in nature

Landmark Warning About the Future of the Planet: The August 2021 IPCC Climate Report

The planet is growing warmer every single year. For decades, we’ve experienced drastic weather pattern shifts, severe flooding in Germany, severe wildfires in California, and deadly hurricanes in Louisiana and Texas. Our planet is in trouble. And we need to help it. The IPCC Climate ReportWhy did the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, cause so much alarm with …